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Science is increasingly a team sport, and I am lucky to be embedded in a thriving research community, collaborate with several colleagues from all over the world and supervise talented and enthusiastic PhD students.  In many areas and methods, they are now more experts than I am, so feel free to contact them if you want to learn more about their research!

Teresa Farinha Fernandes is originally from Portugal and holds a Master in Monetary and Financial Economics. Her Ph.D. project is related to the geography of jobs and the economic resilience of regions. She is currently a visiting scholar at MIT.

Lars Mewes is originally from Germany and holds a Master in Economic Geography from the University of Hanover. His Ph.D. project focuses on relatedness, complexity, and regional economic development. â€‹

Alje van Dam is originally from the Netherlands and holds a Master in Mathematics from Utrecht University. His Ph.D. project focuses on relatedness and diversity in economic development.

Mathieu Steijn is French and Dutch and holds a Master in Regional Economics from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His Ph.D. project focuses on agglomeration & The Product Life Cycle and he is now a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School.

Arnault Morisson is originally from France and holds a double master in International Management from Bocconi University and FGV-EAESP (Brazil). His Ph.D. project focuses on Urban Regeneration and Economic Development.


Diego Osorio is a Canadian diplomat and holds a master in public administration from the Harvard Kennedy School. He is the Head of Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Wageningen University and his PhD focuses on the role of complex institutional systems, fragile states and corruption. (


Sándor Juhász is originally from Hungary and his Ph.D. project focuses the structure and dynamics of knowledge networks. He is particularly interested in the relation between tie formation and the complexity of technological knowledge. 

Sergio Petralia is from Argentina and he received his PhD from Utrecht University in 2017 (Technological Change and Uneven Economic Development). He his now working as a post-doc researcher at the London School of Economics.

Matthias Brachert is from Germany and he completed his Ph.D. thesis at Utrecht University in 2016 on structural change in regions. He is now an Assistant Professor at the Economics department in Halle (Germany).

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