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Smart Specialization Strategy

In which region is the biotech industry most likely to grow? Based on the specific skill-set and knowledge of your region, which industry could you develop next? This interactive tool I developed with Joan Crespo, Ron Boschma, and David Rigby answers these types of questions. Here we use patent data (to assess technological opportunities) and the tool has been specifically developed to support the implementation of the smart specialization strategy, the main innovation policy tool of the European Union. This framework can be extended as a strategic tool for companies or as an economic policy framework for countries. 

In which region is the biotech industry most likely to grow? Based on the specific skill-set and knowledge of your region, which industry could you develop next? This interactive tool I developed with Joan Crespo, Ron Boschma, and David Rigby answers these types of questions. Here we use patent data (to assess technological opportunities) and the tool has been specifically developed to support the implementation of the smart specialization strategy, the main innovation policy tool of the European Union. This framework can be extended as a strategic tool for companies or as an economic policy framework for countries. 

EconGeo R Package

I have just developed a new R package entitled "EconGeo". This is the first R package to propose user-friendly functions to compute a series of indices commonly used in Economic Geography and Urban Economics to describe the location, distribution, spatial organization, structure, and complexity of economic activities. Functions include basic spatial indicators such as the location quotient, the Krugman specialization index, the Herfindahl or the Shannon entropy indices but also more advanced functions to compute different forms of normalized relatedness between economic activities or network-based measures of economic complexity. Feel free to read the documentation and install the package!

HistPat - the geography of historical U.S. patents

With Sergio Petralia (Harvard & LSE) and David Rigby (UCLA) I have created a database that unveils the geography of historical patents granted by the USPTO from 1836 to 1975. This historical dataset, HistPat, is available free of charges. The methodological paper has been published in Scientific Data and the data is available on Harvard Dataverse. 

Observatory of Economic Complexity

What is the economic structure of France? How much China and Spain trade? How related computer hardware and semiconductors are? My colleagues from the Collective Learning Group at the MIT-Media lab have developed The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) to unveil the complexity of the world economy. This is the world's leading data visualization tool for international trade data. The OEC makes more than 50 years of international trade data available through dozens of millions of interactive visualizations.

Data USA

Data is becoming increasingly available, but a key challenge is to integrate data from different sources and visualize it. Data USA is a free platform that allows users to collect, analyze, and visualize shared U.S. government data. The information and data visualizations found on Data USA make use of seven publicly available data sources. Launched on April 4, 2016, Data USA is the product of an ongoing partnership between Deloitte, MIT, the Collective Learning Group, and Datawheel.


You do not need to be a computer scientist to use a computer, and you should not need years of training to visualize and analyze large datasets. Developed by Kevin Hu from the Collective Learning Group at MIT, DIVE is a tool that democratizes data exploration through semi-automated data visualization and analysis. See how it works and if it is useful to you in this video!

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