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INET-YSI Workshop - MIT Media Lab

Submit your paper until June 10th to participate in the Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography Summer Workshop in Cambridge/MA (USA), organized by the MIT Media Lab & The Institute for New Economic Thinking YSI Initiative (INET-YSI).

Ph.D. School in Economic Geography - Utrecht University

The international Ph.D. school in Economic Geography is back! It will take place in Utrecht from Sept. 11 - 14 and Oct. 30 - Nov. 2. The main topic of this year is the geography of innovation, networks and transitions. You can apply by email ( until June 1!

4th Geography of Innovation Conference - Barcelona 2018

After great events in Saint-Etienne, Utrecht, and Toulouse, the geography of innovation conference is back! The conference will take place in Barcelona from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2018. Together with Tom Broekel and David Rigby, we will organize a special session on knowledge complexity. 

The Great Regional Awakening: New Directions - RSA Dublin 2017

The 2017 RSA Conference will take place in Dublin from June 4 to June 7. The conference will focus on the Great Recession & spatial inequalities and will attract ~650 participants. I will be one of the keynote speakers and I will talk about regional inequalities and smart specialization. 

Urban Future Lecture Series

With Ilse van Liempt I am now organizing the Urban Futures lecture series in Utrecht. Each month we will invite one or two leading scholars, entrepreneurs, policy makers, or activists that can help to think about the sustainable cities of tomorrow.  

Special session at the AAG annual meeting (Boston, 5-9 April 2017

We invite you to participate in a series of sessions on "Economic Geography: Structure, networks, evolution & policy" that we will organize at the AAG next year. You first need to register & submit your abstract on the AAG website and then send us the confirmation email. 

Early Career Grant from the Regional Studies Association

I have recently been awarded the Early Career Grant of the Regional Studies Association (RSA) for my project entitled "Relatedness, knowledge complexity and technological opportunities of regions: A framework for smart specialisation". 

TEDx Talk

In this TEDx talk, I discussed about how we create knowledge in the digital age, and why, paradoxically, new information and communication technologies reinforce rather than replace the need for geographical proximity and human interactions. 

The resilience of American cities

With David Rigby and Ron Boschma we have just published a new article on the resilience of American cities in the United States American Politics and Policy blog (hosted by the London School of Economics). 


The geography of innovation in the news 

The geography of innovation conference takes place every two years. In this interview for La Tribune I give my take on what the geography of innovation means, our findings, and implications for innovation policy (the article is in French).

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